Friday 14 May 2010

shooting with sarah

this is one of my favourite shots of the shoot, there is something about the look on the models face that i really like. i also like the tattoo that she has. i was not expecting the model to have such a large tattoo, it was too large to cover up but i actually really like it, i think it really adds to the modern look i want for the geisha's and it makes the model stand out to me. it adds a point of interest and i will be using this model again in the future.

i like the colours of this image, i just wanted to bring out the different colours that were there and allow the viewer to see the beauty within the image.

i took this one a little further with the editing, it could be to harsh. i think i will be looking for a second opinion here.

i like the tones here. it dose not fit in with the geisha look really as it lacks the vibrant colour so i don't think i can use it. i do really love it though.

i love the colour in this one, i think i may like green a little too much. i think I'm going to put this one into a set and see how it looks.

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