Saturday 8 May 2010

shooting with emily extended

here i have just been playing with different editing styles. with my final set of images i will editing them all in the same way but i think i should be trying out different things until i have all my images together.

i think this one is my favourite of the three. i like the clear look of it and the lack of colour although that could be a little distracting from the point.

i like the look of this but im not a big fan of the tones. im going to keep trying this kind od editing and see if it grows on me.

this one is closest to my origional idea but this picture looks a little too harsh to me, although i like this picture alot so i will try one again.

back to the cold tone preset here. i just really like the green piercing through the desaturated back ground. i also really like the look of the model here. it dosnt exactly fit in with the look i had in mind but it has grown on me.

i think this one may be my favourite so far. i love the tone and i like the soft expression on the models face and the clear milky tones of her skin. i also like the strange angle of the camera here.

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