Sunday 9 May 2010

shooting with mel

here are a few of my shoot with mel. for this shoot my model and myself dove to out shooting location. we took a few different dresses to shoot in and a few different things to feature in her hair. i tried to get as many different looking shots as i could, we walked to different locations and i tried to get each outfit in two different locations.
i have tried some different editing styles on these just to see how they look and if anything stands out to me. none of this is definet yet, i will keep on editing and trying different things.

i really like how the colours stand out in this image and how pretty her skin looks. this fits in with one of my ideas of having the images very pale with bright colours standing out. i would also like to try a different style of editing with this image bacause i like the soft expression on the models face here.
i did photographed this keeping in mind an image i have seen by Akif Hakan Celebi were a model is layed on the a stone tile floor. i was not so keen on this image until i edited it. i like the stone floor against the blue of the dress, i also like how her hair is stretched outwards,

for me the background makes this image. i actualy like the clash of the brown, blue and pink. this is another that i would like the continue playing with.

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