Friday 14 May 2010

shooting with becky

i realise that this is the same location as the shoot for sarah but this is because i shot both these models at the same time and wanted to try both in some of the same locations. however i will only be using one of these models in my final images and i really liked the location and didnt see a reason why i should have the same background for both models so i am not worried about the same location popping up twice on my blog.

i really like the colour and tone here, i also find the models face to be be attractive and her strange body posisioning to be very interesting. the black and white colouring suits this image well.
i brightened up this image and i think it is really striking like this........

i gave this one a softer look and i think that its much nicer. with the model with her hand to her face this image definetly needs a softer look to it.

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