Sunday 9 May 2010

shooting with mel extended

i selected one of my favourite shots of the day and have spent time editing them in different ways to see if i can find a theme to run through my set. i failed at this because i like them all and now need to spend more time with them, take more shots and also find a second opinion.

i like the colours on this image, its striking to me and stand out the most.
i like the tone of this imageand how warm it looks. i also like the small amount of blue creaping in at the corners.

this one looks a little too harsh to me but i would like to have a second opionion on it. i dont like the tone of the models skin.

this is another case of me like loving pale looking pictures again. i think that it is very attractive but im not sure how this will benifit me in a future career.

i have the ame thoughs about this, i like the look of it but i dont know what it is useful for with it looking a little bit western. i probably will not use this one but i can atleast say that i tried it.

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