Saturday 8 May 2010

shooting with emily

here is my first attempt of my modern (western) geisha idea. i have kept with the giesha idea by having lots of eye makeup, using brightly coloured clothing have hair decatration. i have however changed it a little to make it more accesable to current fashion. i have changed the traditional hair, i did think about having all my models with traditional hair but this is not somthing that is likely to become a fashionable style. i have chosen not to use kumonos as clothing because i wanted it to look more modern.

here is the orional image with just a little editing on it. i like the clarity of it but it dosnt pack quite the punch that im after.
with this one i have added a direct positive preset and a preset called punch and it certinly dose.
i like the brightness of the colors here. making the theme green wasnt really the plan until the last minute. origionaly the model was only going to wear a pink and black dress but i think the green is much more effective. with this edit i was inspired by Akif Hakan Celebi with floresent colours and a backdrop that its interesting but not too distracting.

this really wasnt the plan to make the pictures look anything like this but i really like it. its really different and stand out to me. i want shoot other colours and edit them the same with very pale looking skin and very bright colours.

i really like the look of this image but i dont know if it is comersialy viable at all. it may also be venturuing a little too far from my origianal idea.

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