I have made some sketes of idea of what i want the makeup to be like.
I am working with a makeup artist and im confident we will make the models stand out and look really funky.
with this look I want to havve nude pale skin t fit with the geisha look. I also want nude colour lips and peackock feathers flowing on the the models face. for the eye shadow i want the colour and mattern to look like the colours and pattern on the feathers. i indend to stick the feathers down on to th skin with eye lash glue, good on the skin and easy to remove.
for this image i want to darken the eyebrows to give a younger look. i also want to use red and pink eye shadow eround the eyes with think black lines typical of the geisha look. i also want to have the centre of the lips coloured red. im going to do this using red eyeshadow, i have tested both red eyeshadow and red lipstick and find the eyeshow looks better and is easier so apply.
i am also going to use yellow eyeshadow to highlight the cheeks.
this dose not look like a very attractive makeover, i am not the best at blending my colours. what i want for this though is red eye shadow all over the eye lid and to have it lines with orange. i also want red in the centre of the lips and the cheak bones to be highlighted. this is alot of makeup so i will add a smaller hait accessory in this case.